VELOX Sil is a kit composed of brand new foul-release silicone antifouling and an innovative hybrid primer, free of biocides and substances of very high concern (SVHC) for the operator's health, such as carcinogens.
It therefore has less environmental impact and simplifies safety management on site (environmental permits, chemical risk assessment, health surveillance of applicators).
VELOX SIL has been field tested with results that have allowed the product to be perfected to the point of achieving an exceptional result, exceeding expectations in both adhesion and effectiveness.
VELOX SIL keeps submerged surfaces clean thanks to the surface tension of the silicone finish, which causes any organisms to detach with the movement of the propeller or a light wipe with a sponge.
Technical characteristics: Brush application - Kit sizes 0.25l, 0.5l, 1l - Solids by volume: 83% - Cov 160 G/l - Theoretical yield 6 M2/l per coat - Shelf-life 24 months - Specific weight 0.97